Pirivom Sandhipom
What should I write about??
I am an ardent reader of Sujatha [Well, half of TamilNadu actually is]. I was brought into the world of Books with a Book of Sujatha. 'Yaen Yetharkku Yeppadi' was gifted by my Grandpa during my early school days. The association that started on that day still continues.
I have heard a lot about this book 'Pirivom Sandhipom' and had always wanted to read this book but couldn't get hold of it. I checked in Landmark, scoured the whole book shelves but wasn't able to find the single copy that came up in the book management database. Then one day I came to know the book is being made into a movie which would star Tamanna. I couldn't resist the temptation after that, called up the publisher and finally caught hold of my copy :-).

The story is about a young Engineer 'Raghu' living in a misty-hilly-unspoilt-small town [What more of a setting could you ask for a romance novel ?!] wondering what to do next. Life's tough without a job for our guy, still counts on his Dad for a pack of cigarettes, had attended a few interviews and still waiting for the results. Well, now comes our heroine, 'Madhu' as in Madhumitha. She's his Dad's boss's daughter. They kinda meet up in a small tiff and then patch up. Now, the patching up is the best part. It's where Raghu falls in love with Madhu. The guy tries to get into the good books of Madhu and her family and also succeeds in it and even manages to set an engagement date for their marriage. As in all tales, there is a twist in which the Hero is in for a toss and what happens next forms the climax and leads to the second part of the novel.This plot may sound vaguely familiar, but its Sujatha's style that makes you love this story even if its written nearly 20 years earlier.
I still couldn't understand the elated feelings on reading this book, whether it's the story or is it Tamanna being Madhu in my thoughts or is it me being able to relate to Raghu or a combination of all these put together. Half the days, my room mates would give me a puzzled look, seeing me smiling all alone reading this novel. But pity them, they wouldn't know why its that way until they read this novel. This is one Tamil novel you would never wanna miss. Trust me!!
I am an ardent reader of Sujatha [Well, half of TamilNadu actually is]. I was brought into the world of Books with a Book of Sujatha. 'Yaen Yetharkku Yeppadi' was gifted by my Grandpa during my early school days. The association that started on that day still continues.
I have heard a lot about this book 'Pirivom Sandhipom' and had always wanted to read this book but couldn't get hold of it. I checked in Landmark, scoured the whole book shelves but wasn't able to find the single copy that came up in the book management database. Then one day I came to know the book is being made into a movie which would star Tamanna. I couldn't resist the temptation after that, called up the publisher and finally caught hold of my copy :-).

The story is about a young Engineer 'Raghu' living in a misty-hilly-unspoilt-small town [What more of a setting could you ask for a romance novel ?!] wondering what to do next. Life's tough without a job for our guy, still counts on his Dad for a pack of cigarettes, had attended a few interviews and still waiting for the results. Well, now comes our heroine, 'Madhu' as in Madhumitha. She's his Dad's boss's daughter. They kinda meet up in a small tiff and then patch up. Now, the patching up is the best part. It's where Raghu falls in love with Madhu. The guy tries to get into the good books of Madhu and her family and also succeeds in it and even manages to set an engagement date for their marriage. As in all tales, there is a twist in which the Hero is in for a toss and what happens next forms the climax and leads to the second part of the novel.This plot may sound vaguely familiar, but its Sujatha's style that makes you love this story even if its written nearly 20 years earlier.
I still couldn't understand the elated feelings on reading this book, whether it's the story or is it Tamanna being Madhu in my thoughts or is it me being able to relate to Raghu or a combination of all these put together. Half the days, my room mates would give me a puzzled look, seeing me smiling all alone reading this novel. But pity them, they wouldn't know why its that way until they read this novel. This is one Tamil novel you would never wanna miss. Trust me!!
really me too was much impressed by the plot. i could not get me out of the story. i related myself with raghu all along the story and could feel wat all he does......
but all my foolish friends says that this is a stupid movie to see. but donkeys never know camphor smell wat to do?
No grudges against the writer or the plot but the screen play and the flow of the movie makes you yawn or run away from the movie. This I felt even while watching on TV. I really understand how much patient mohan should have been. Still finding good things out of the next to useless movie.